Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Read the Mister Burger sign closely...

A parking structure near "Amplaz" shopping center

"Amplaz" Jogja's huge shopping mall.  

Now that Ramadhan is over the sales begin.....This sounds familiar......


  1. brennon, if i wait another week i think i can get you an additional 25% off the 50% off price of a quality karpet turkey!

    you want me to find a black and orange one to match your will clark poster?

  2. Before I saw the photo I thought Karpet Turkey was some kind of Thanksgiving feast! It would really "safety my hunger" :-) That mall is incredible, but will it withstand a 7.0 quake? And love the motos - under the Helm and Jaket sign. Great shots, Mr. T. Keep 'em coming!

  3. Nice photo of the cigarette butt. Is that chicken nuggets in the super-safe burger billboard?

  4. i think it's an onion ring. not sure though. some places even put eggs in their burgers.

  5. I used to put eggs in your burgers - a little added protein in disguise! chow down!!

  6. Hi Todd, thanks for the link.
    I also had one of those Mr.Burger sign photos
    Nice photos!
