Saturday, October 31, 2009

A stroll through my neighborhood

Some residents put a cup outside their home and put a coin in it each night for the neighborhood watchman.


  1. Neighborhood watchman? With the wicked barbed wire in photos 2 & 3 I don't think a watchman is necessary! Or is that Dick Cheney's vacation home? More details, por favor, senor :-)

  2. The blues in #1 are beautiful. #3 is a stellar image- love the pattern of the flagstones, the rays from the light sources, and the overall framing. The shadow of your camera in #4 is a little distracting in an otherwise very interesting picture (and a very odd structure).

  3. E, thanks for the crit. I realized that while waiting for the exposure to finish! I think I instinctively try to frame my photos with straight lines or patterns.

    H, there are local residents who freely take turns patrolling their neighborhoods at night. They are not armed or anything like that, but they do apparently watch the streets at night.
