Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is it?


  1. A $.70 taxi fare in the wee hours of the morning?

  2. Impressive. The way the dollar has been dropping in value here, 70 cents seems about right.

  3. How the Heck did you figure that, Erik? Geeze, I thought it was a slip up of the camera (like the old shots of the floor or one's foot.)
    Todd - pls x-plain :-)

  4. we were driving home from a restaurant and i thought i needed to capture a picture of inside a cab. with a wide aperture i took a picture with a slow shutter speed (maybe half a second). Plus, i need to work on shallow depth of field and being a little more abstract:-)

  5. So you took that INSIDE the cab? That must have been hard to do without a tripod and also having the cab driver stay still. Interesting. I like how your imagination works :-)
